Tradicional Survivor Series match

The first elimination in Tradicional Survivor Series TagTeam match was Damien Sandow. He actually walked out of the match, but Kane sent him back to ring and cover him.

So for a while it was 5 on 4. But in a few moments Kane was eliminatined. He was eliminatined by Dolph Ziggler. Kane was arguing with Daniel Bryan and Dolph hit him from behind.

Another elimination was David Otunga, who actually tapped out to No lock that was done by Daniel Bryan. So now it was 4 on 3 for Team Foley.

Then Wade Barrett eliminated Kofi Kingston. So it was even once again. 3 on 3. Team Foley, which was Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan and The Miz, who yet was not tag to the match. And in Team Ziggler it was Wade Barrett, Alberto del Rio and the team captain Dolph Ziggler.

The mister of subbmission Daniel Bryan tapped out to del Rio´s armbreaker. So now it was 2 on 3 for Team Ziggler and The Miz got finally to the ring.

And he eliminated Wade Barrett, so it became a tradicional Tagteam match. Two on Two. On Team Foley it was Randy Orton and The Miz and in Team Ziggler it was the team captain Dolph Ziggler and Alberto del Rio.

The last person in Team Foley was Randy Orton after Alberto del Rio eliminatined The Miz. So in the end it was a handicap match. Randy Orton RKOed Alberto del Rio and the big finale was Randy Orton (Team Foley) vs. Dolph Ziggler.

And as we all already knot, the wining team was Team Ziggler, which means that Dolph Ziggler beat Randy Orton.

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