Faceturn for Chris Jericho?!

I was very excited when Chris Jericho came back to the WWE, cuz I really missed him. But his comeback was really strange. He did not speak, then he cryed in the ring and I was like "what the hell is going on." I wished they would bring Y2J back, but Chris Jericho was a heel character.

And he still was until a few shows back. He interruped Dolph Ziggler and attacted him twice and I have to say I did enjoyed it! I do not like Dolph Ziggler at all.

On Monday Night Raw 7/30/12 (for more click here) he team up with Christian in a TagTeam match and I loved the match. So amazing. I have a feeling that Chris Jericho is about to do his face turn, but I also heard that he will probably leave WWE because of his musical career.

I personally hope he will stay in WWE and became Y2J once again. How about you? Would you like to see Y2J again?

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