The night before WrestleMania 29 there was Hall of Fame ceremony live from Madison Square Garden. It was the night when WWE superstars, legends and fans get all together to celebrate the biggest legends in WWE and wrestling history!
This year it was trully a legendary class. The inductees were Mick Foley, Trish Stratus, Donald Trump, Bob Backlund, Bruno Sanmartino and Booker T.
Let's start with Booker T. There is a lot of people who were very critical about this man to be in Hall of fame. I don't think they are right. Booker T totally deserves to be in Hall of fame. His speech was good and we also saw a little bit of celebration. Booker T is still in WWE today, working as a general manager of Friday Night Smackdown.
I personally enjoyed that little mix of Bob Backlund with his speech. He was funny and I liked it. I would like to see the whole induction, but I will probably not be able to.
Now let's talk about beautifull Trish Stratus. Stephanie McMahon was the one who induct her into Hall of fame. Trish had beautiful blue dress. She thanked to her best friend Amy AKA Lita and she enouced that she is pregnant. Congratulation, Trish!
I do not really want to talk about Donald Trump, but basically he challanged Vince McMahon to match of billionares at Wrestlemania 30 next year.
Then there is hardcore legend Mick Foley. I loved his speech the most and there was one moment that showed how much of a respect he earned. Mick said "It was not a career without regrets. I have never beat Chris Jericho." so Jericho stood up and get there. Mick droped elbow on him and CM Punk count the three and Mick Foley finally beat Chris Jericho.
And then there is a man who was the greatest champion ever. Bruno Sanmartino. He deserved to be in Hall of fame more than anybody. Despite his age, he still looks very good and he is trully a living legend.
Congratulations to all new Hall of Famers and thank you!
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