Results from WWE WrestleMania 29. It happend on Sunday 7th April 2013 in MetLife stadium in New Jersey. You can read my prediction here.
1) Pre-show Intercontinental championship match
The Miz def. Wade Barrett
2) Six Men TagTeam match
The Shield def. The Big Show & Sheamus & Randy Orton
3) Single match
Mark Henry def. Ryback
4) WWE TagTeam championship match
Team Hell No def. Dolph Ziggler & Big E Landston
5) Single match
Fandango def. Chris Jericho
6) Word heavy-weight championship match
Alberto del Rio def. Jack Swagger
7) Single match
The Undertaker def. CM Punk
8) No holds barred match with Triple H's career on the line
Triple H def. Brock Lesnar
9) WWE championship match
John Cena def. The Rock
WWE champion - John Cena - new
World heavy-weight champion - Alberto del Rio
United States champion - Antonio Cesaro
Intercontinental champion - The Miz - new
TagTeam champions - Team Hell No (Kane & Daniel Bryan)
Divas champion - Kaitlyn
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