Results from WWE Monday Night Raw 4/18/13
Single match
Big E Langston def. Daniel Bryan
Intercontinental championship match
Wade Barrett def. The Miz
Two in one handicap match
Alberto del Rio def. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter
World heavyweight championshipt MITB match
Dolph Ziggler def. Alberto del Rio
Six Man TagTeam match
Zack Ryder & R-truth & Santino Marella def. 3MB
Single match
Shemaus vs. Randy Orton - no contest
Single match
Fandango def. Kofi Kingston by DQ
Eight Person Mixed TagTeam match
Tons of Fuck def. Rhotes Scholars & The Bella twins
Single match
John Cena def. Mark Henry by count-out
WWE champion - John Cena - new
World heavy-weight champion - Dolph Ziggler - new
United States champion - Antonio Cesaro
Intercontinental champion - Wade Barrett - new
TagTeam champions - Team Hell No (Kane & Daniel Bryan)
Divas champion - Kaitlyn
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