Survivor Series is in couple of hours, so I decided tell you what I think will happend and what I want to happend. If you wanna follow me thoughts during the show, you can follow me on twitter (@TheBetci15).
1) Pre-Show 3 on 2 handicap match
3MB (Drew McIntyre & Jinder Mahal & Heath Slater) vs. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel
2) United State´s championship match
Antonio Cesaro (champ) vs. R-truth
3) Divas championship match
Eve Torres (champ) vs. Kaitlyn
4) World heavy-weight championship match
The Big Show (champ) vs. Sheamus
5) Tradition Survivor Series TagTeam match
Team Foley (Miz, Kane, Bryan, Kingston & Orton) vs. Team Zigglar (Zigglar, del Rio, Barrett, Sandow...)
6) Triple Threath WWE championship match
CM Punk (champ) vs. John Cena vs. Ryback
What I think will happend!
1) 3MB def. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel
2) Antonio Cesaro def. R-truth
3) Eve Torres def. Kaitlyn
4) Big Show def. Sheamus
5) Team Ziggler def. Team Foley
6) John Cena def. CM Punk & Ryback
What I want to happend!
1) 3MB def. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel
2) R-truth def. Antonio Cesaro by DQ
3) Kaitlyn def. Eve Torres
4) Big Show def. Sheamus
5) Team Foley def. Team Ziggler
6) CM Punk def. John Cena & Ryback
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